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PSA Project

Topic:  Abuse

Mariana Lanz - Abuse PSA Poster.jpg
Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 8.49.06 AM.png

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1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create your PSA in Adobe Premiere Rush. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools and processes as possible. 
First I brainstormed about what I could make a PSA about and wrote a storyboard that would help me plan out my PSA, then I downloaded all the images that I thought would fit with my video and added them into premiere rush. I placed all my images and video clips into the program and placed them roughly in the order that I wanted my video to follow. After that, I added background music that set the correct tone for my video. Finally, I added a recording of my voice on  clips and media in order to create a voiceover. I played the video a couple of times in order to make sure that I was happy with the final product, so I focused on small details until I thought it was ready and pressed export.

2. How does a PSA differ from a traditional advertisement? 
Public Service Announcements are different from traditional advertisements because PSAs are used to bring awareness to some sort of important matter, while traditional advertisements are only used to sell or promote products to customers.

3. What topic did you create your PSA about? Why is this topic important to you? 

I created my public service announcement because I have known people who are victims of domestic abuse, and although my school project might not cause an actual change in the world, I see it as practice for the future.

4. Based on the learning target, "Understand the component steps and skills required to design, edit, and produce a Public Service Announcements by producing a storyboard, script, audio clips, video clips and other supporting media then combining them in Adobe Premiere Rush" what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding) Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

I think that I deserve a three on my project because I met the standards that were placed on us for this project, but I did not meet the deadline.

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